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Katia Aresti

Katia Aresti is a software developer known for her contributions to Infinispan and Quarkus. Since 2017, she has been working at Red Hat and has worked for various technology companies. She is also active in international conferences such as Devoxx, Codemotion, and Commit Conf, where she shares her experience.

She is an advocate for open source, the role of women in technology, and of course, theater and theatrical improvisation.

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Her talk

In-Memory Databases: use cases and solutions for modern applications

In-memory databases are not new but have become very popular in recent years due to their incredible performance and speed. In this talk, we will see how they can solve several common problems in applications in 2025. We will talk about cases such as storing temporary data, improving scalability, accelerating queries, and managing sessions, among others. With practical examples, I will show you how to implement these solutions and how to easily integrate in-memory databases into your backend applications to make them much faster and more efficient.


Main sponsors

Bilboko Udala Diputación de Bizkaia

Platinum sponsors

Automattic BBK

Gold sponsors

Open Bank Freepik Okta Inetum Catworks

Silver sponsors

Quaderno Voxel Factorial SeQura Kairos

Bronze sponsors

Technosylva Gnoss